Midland Range Cooker Repairs - Recipes

Using the ‘Chef Top’- Scrumptious Salmon Steaks

Don’t just leave the ‘chef top’ in the cupboard use it wisely to create some tasty low calorie dishes without using extra oils/fat.

Salmon being an oily fish has its own oils and if not overcooked will remain juicy and tasty without going dry. It will give a crispy skin and it is just cooked in its own juices. It is a FREE FOOD on a slimmer’s world diet as long as it is cooked without added fat and being packed with protein and naturally low in calories it is the very best way to satisfy your appetite and stay feeling full for longer.
Simple classic ingredients cooked to produce a really tasty meal.

Scrumptious Salmon Steaks – ideal for ‘slimmers’
Salmon steaks (1 per person)
Eggs (1 per person)
Vegetables of your choice
1 lemon for juice and garnish
Fat free greek Yoghurt
Chopped herb(parsley,tarrogan,dill)

1. Get the ‘Chef top’ really hot, heat on high for 10 minutes before cooking.
2. Prepare Vegetables – we used baby new potatoes, carrots and Broccoli, steamed to give the best flavour.
3. Season salmon with Salt and Black pepper (fish seasoning).

4. Place seasoned salmon on ‘Chef Top’ skin side down, cook for 2 minutes until skin starts to curl up, pour on lemon juice, turn using metal spatula, cook a further 2 minutes. If the fish starts to get too dark in colour turn onto its side so as not to overcook but continue gently cooking the inside. The flesh will go paler pink in colour as it cooks but as long as the salmon is fresh do not be frightened to leave the centre slightly darker pink as it will continue to cook for a while even when taken off the ‘Chef Top’.
5. Cook the egg on the ‘Chef Top’.

6. Plate up on warmed plates.
7. The yoghurt and herbs acts as a tasty sauce accompanying the dish without overloading the calories.
​8. Garnish with lemon and enjoy!

Unspoilt fresh ingredients cooked on your ‘Chef Top’ to give intense flavours, who said Slimming and calorie counting is boring!
Midland Range Cooker Repairs

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